Our Services
DCS has built a diverse, highly experienced staff that affords us the ability to provide program, pre-construction and construction management services. Having completed projects in multiple states we have been able to gather historical knowledge allowing us to better understand how to achieve success and deliver a timely, quality and cost effective project wherever the location.
While we can self-perform many of the design and construction tasks internally we understand the need to outsource certain services for the benefit of the project, and as such we maintain the ability to effectively procure those services from other professionals.
Through time we have implemented most every conceivable project approach and delivery method relating to how projects are conceptualized, designed, procured, and constructed. That experience allows us to work with our clients on a project by project approach that allows maximum flexibility to achieve the intended results.

Conceptual Planning & Budgeting
- Investigations, Preliminary Planning & Due Diligence
- Review or Complete Initial Site / Municipal / Utility Investigations
- Review of Building Codes
- Review of Existing Site Information Studies, ALTA & Topographic Surveys, Soils & Environmental Reports*
- Prepare or Review Building and Site Conceptual Layouts
- Prepare or Review Existing Project Budget & Timeline / Schedules
* – These studies and reports may not be available or require updates, DCS would solicit and procure these as necessary along with other reports (i.e. traffic studies, soil erosion, etc.) at Clients request.
Entitlement & Permitting
- If DCS is retained to provide project design services:
- Construction Documents: Prepare or cause to be prepared complete Architectural, Structural, MEP and Civil Engineering documents
- Planning & Zoning Documents: Prepare required planning documents as maybe necessary for Client to obtain any entitlements necessary for the project. Attend and participate in planning or zoning meetings
- Permits: Prepare & submit permit applications for any and all building and site related permits necessary for the project
- If DCS is not retained to complete the project design services, it shall coordinate with the selected design team members to provide any assistance required to facilitate the proper design and timely permitting of the project. Additionally, if requested by the Client DCS shall solicit and procure the various required design service necessary to complete the design of the project.

Design / Value Engineering: Review of project design documents and coordinate as necessary with the design team to ensure coordination is occurring between architect / structural and MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) engineer, civil engineer, surveyor, geotechnical consultant, local utility service providers, municipality and other necessary consultants. During this time DCS shall make efforts to work with the design team and review the current market construction costs, material availabilities that impact the construction budget and delivery timeline, and determine whether alternative construction materials and or methods can be implemented to mitigate those potential impacts.

- Permitting: DCS will work with the design team and Client, as appropriate, in the processing and procurement of the permits that are required to complete the development and construction of the project.
- Project Schedule / Budgets Updates:
- Prepare, refine & update project schedule
- Prepare, refine & update project budget
- Dry Utility Service Providers: DCS will work with the design team and Client, as appropriate, in the processing and procurement of the documents that are required so the proper public dry utility services are available for the complete the development and construction of the project.
- Construction Procurement:
- Manage and direct the bidding process including:
- Preparing requests for proposal
- Reviewing scope, negotiation and contracting with appropriate contractors, subcontractors and vendors for the work and portions thereof
- Manage and direct the bidding process including:

- Construction Management and Coordination: Manage, administrate and coordinate all construction and design activities for the project. This includes:
- Facilitating coordination with design teams and contractors, subcontractors and vendors
- Managing and maintaining required submittals, identifying and expediting long lead materials
- Coordinating all trade work in the field
- Managing and maintaining the field progress and construction schedule
- Managing and implementing on-site quality controls
- Managing and implementing on-site safety controls
- Managing and leading subcontractor field meetings
- Managing changes in scope including changes caused or created by field conditions, drawing errors or omissions, Client requested changes or municipality requested changes.
- Coordinating with Client direct contractors and vendors
- Coordinating with utility service providers
- Documentation and Reporting:
- Collect and maintaining Certificates of Insurance
- Collect and maintain a file of all testing and inspections reports.
- Coordinate timing and schedule of construction invoicing (“Draw Requests”).
- Providing weekly progress reports
Design & Architecture
- Tracking and confirming the date(s)
- Client fixturing
- Construction substantial and final completion
- Certificate of Occupancy, if applicable
- Punch list issuance and completion
- Assisting in arranging “training” walk through(s) with Client representatives (i.e. roof top units, irrigation, fire alarm, etc.).
- Project close-out documentation including copies of permits, Certificate(s) of Occupancy O&M manuals, guarantees/ warranties and construction drawings.